Yes, this is a a website that is only about Las Vegas and I am telling You to stay away from the second most popular area all over Vegas. Why? A strike is planned by union workers starting June 1, 2014 if a new contract is not signed. Count on that contract not being signed by June 1, that is usually the case. The main Casinos downtown Vegas will most likely call the bluff of the union and not give them everything they are asking for, that’s how it works. Picketing will begin on June 1 and terrible service in the hotel and bars will begin. Downtown Vegas is having many problems before this anyway and is getting so bad it is not worth visiting anymore. The Las Vegas police are ticketing People for open containers just off the canopy of the Fremont Experience but No One knows why, not even the police. The once happy, everything goes downtown Vegas has turned into something that Zappo’s (online shoe store) wants it to be, boring and a locals hang out. Ever since Zappos located in Downtown Vegas things have gotten worse and worse.
If You like the feel of a downtown Vegas Casino, try Casino Royale on the Strip.
Stay away from Downtown Vegas for the next few months