Douchebags like the ones above are the reason why Downtown Las Vegas is trying to adopt new rules to keep this kind of grossness from getting too close to those that want nothing to do with them. Buskers had been getting more and more aggressive so the downtown leaders made a proposal that has not yet passed, it includes each busker will have a circle to perform in and He/She cannot leave that circle unless they stop performing or asking for money. Every 2 hours the busker must move to the next circle in rotation. This is to make it fair for all buskers because some places are great and some places suck. Each busker must be registered with the City prior to preforming. The City will know who is performing at all times even the ones that where a full costume. It now seems unlikely that the City will be able to make these new rules enforceable.
When Buskers first started performing there were few but the few were actually performers, now they mostly are beggars. The few that are still performing with skills and talent are the big losers in this situation. On any given night You will see a couple guys in g-strings or very large women with g-strings and pasties covering their nipples. It is enough to make You not want to go downtown but since the Fremont Street Experience is public property, these buskers have the right to exercise free speech. How did the Constitution get so misunderstood that free speech rights are being granted to public displays of vulgarity? Watch for this issue to drag out for a long time without a resolution.