No matter what Your opinion is of these Girls, You have to be impressed with the way the business works. Call a number and get a girl to Your room in 20 minutes or less. You can’t get a pizza or any room service to Your room in 20 minutes or less but You can get a real live babe.

This company has been pushing Escorts on Las Vegas Blvd for many years. How many girls are in the network? An estimate is a few hundred to as much as 1000 at one shift. This company has always used men to hand out cards, but lately there have been more and more females handing out the cards. Most People refer to Them as Card Slappers . Who is behind all of this? I am not sure but I can tell You the people shoving the cards in Your face only get paid for the cards that You take from Them. The person or people making all the money are definitely behind the scenes.
Is Prostitution Legal In Vegas?
No, Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas. It is legal, however in Nevada Counties with less than 700,000 People. Clark County (includes the Las Vegas Metro area) has over 2 million so You have to leave the area to find a legal brothel.
Are the Companies handing out cards on the Las Vegas Strip doing something illegal? NO! All They are doing is providing a phone number to a girl that can come to Your room in less than 20 minutes. I might pay the 69 dollars just to see if They can. That’s faster than room service for a BLT! How many men, women, couples have called this number and not done so for the purpose of some sexual act? Probably not very many. Is that act illegal? Most of it is, but is this company doing anything illegal? NO! They are very happy to get Your credit card payment for the hook up and what You do after that is between You and the Girl.