Four indicted in one million dollar craps cheating scheme

According to the Review Journal, four Men were indicted in a cheating scheme that went on for at least 2 years (probably more). This kind of cheating is most likely more common than We might imagine. There are dealers that hate their jobs, especially dealing with the smoke in their face daily, so when Someone promises them the right amount of money it is sometimes just too hard to pass up. In this situation, it was at Bellagio, two were dealers and two were players. The players played normally, put real bets down, took losses and wins as usual. What they did differently is yelled garbled commands as the dice were in the air for the bets in the middle. Placing a bet while the dice are in the air is very common and acceptable at most casinos in Las Vegas. You have a full table full of bets and suddenly feel like a bet in the middle and you yell it to the stick man and He confirms the bet then the dice hit the table, You pass over the money as Everyone is looking at the results of the dice. So in this case, the player yells out “yeah ump ranpz” and the hard eight comes out or the hard six or a horn bet, doesn’t matter, the dealer pays the player just like He heard crystal clear that He said hard eight or horn bet. People at the table do not catch it because it is very crowded and No One really cares that one guy got paid for a bet because most People are focused on themselves. But at least one dealer caught on to the scam and reported it to management, so they set a trap, one where they watched these four and recorded all their action. They all went to jail and will get some prison time for what is estimated to be at least 1.5 million dollars worth of theft.

Below, a Craps table at Bally’s. The table is not near crowded enough to allow a cheating scheme to be successful.