The Day Clubs are the biggest mover in the money being made all over Vegas. Night Clubs are doing the best but they have always been good, just not this good. The money that is being spent by Vegas Resorts on clubs is unbelievable, the number keeps getting bigger. How can a club spend 100 million dollars on a club and expect to make a profit? How can they pay a DJ more than 300,000 dollars for ONE night’s work? Some of these clubs are making millions of dollars in profit in one day or night. Where are the Customer’s getting the money? How can there be so many Customer’s willing to spend thousands on one day or night in a club?
Who needs Las Vegas Shows? Show executives are not near as happy as their counterparts in the Club industry. The Shows are still doing well but nothing compared to the clubs. So many young People (under 35) are not even considering going to a show, they are too busy making sure they fit in as many clubs as possible before they return home. Unless You are a celebrity, You are too old to go to a club after 35, so who are going to shows? There are more People in the over 50 group going to shows, so Vegas is looking for something to sell the People between 35 and 50.